Outstanding Service

Electrical Work from Professionals You Can Trust

We’re ready to help with a wide range of electrical needs, from residential electrical work to commercial service. No matter the type of assistance you need, our experts have got you covered.

electrician changing a houses lighting david city ne
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Offering Outstanding Work to Residential Clients

You want to make sure the electrical work is done perfectly for your home. Work with an electrical contractor from our team and get the assistance you deserve. We can help with a wide range of electrical needs, from panel upgrades to lighting replacements.

electrical contractor installing a ceiling fan david city ne

Making Sure Your Business Operates Smoothly

Do you need someone who can help with the electrical work for your commercial building? If so, then consider giving us a call. We can help with all sorts of commercial electrical work, from lighting replacement to 3-phase panel work and much more.

close up of a commercial buildings lighting installation david city ne

Let Us Help with Your Industrial Electrical Work

Without electricity, your industrial building couldn’t operate properly. If you need someone to help with electrical work for your industrial building, then consider reaching out to us. An industrial electrician from our team is ready to provide you with assistance.

electrician handling an industrial machine electrical wiring david city ne

Agricultural Electrical Work from Reliable Experts

Do you need someone who can help you address issues with an irrigation pivot system? Would you like a professional who can help with the electrical work for a shop building? If you’re searching for a top agricultural electrician in the local area, then reach out to us.

close up of irrigation pivot system after installation david city ne
Expert Electrical Service

Partner with a Top Electrician Near David City, NE

Helping with All of Your Electrical Needs

Need help from a qualified electrician? If so, then we’re here to help! Holloway Electric has been serving David City, NE, for over ten years. We are a full-service electrical contractor that specializes in residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural electrical work. Our team is very well-rounded and is committed to making sure you get the best service possible.

close up of electrician repairing an outlet david city ne

Service You Can Trust

By reaching out to our professionals, you can be confident you’ll get fantastic results.

Why Us?

Choose the Best in the Business

We love being able to help out communities like yours by providing you with the best possible service. We pride ourselves on our punctuality and communication skills with our customers. Our goal is always to exceed your expectations and make sure you are 100% satisfied with the work we do for you.

We believe that our customers are our number one priority. We’re very punctual with our meeting times, and we always communicate with our customers after each job to make sure they’re satisfied with the work we’ve done for them. If there are any issues or concerns, please let us know right away! We will take care of them immediately.

industrial electricians installing conduit emt david city ne

Call Us Today to Request Fantastic Electrical Service

two electricians working on an industrial building david city ne
Trustworthy Assistance

Ready to Help with Your Needs Today

Our team has many years of experience working on all sorts of different electrical systems. We’ll make sure your home or business is safe from electrical hazards while keeping up with all building codes and regulations—and we’ll do it all at an incredibly reasonable price!

Your electrical system is a key part of your building, so make sure that it’s properly taken care of. At Holloway Electric, we’re ready to go the extra mile to make sure you get the results that you deserve. If you’re looking for an electrician near David City, NE, then consider reaching out to us today.

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